
Basic equipment for your rabbit

What should not be missing

You have decided to buy a rabbit. So that the little animal can move in carefree with you, you should think of the basic equipment. Before you start shopping, you should decide whether the rabbit will get a cage for home or for outdoor use.

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The rabbit cage

In order for your rabbit to get enough exercise, the cage should be of an appropriate size. Additionally, it should provide an exercise area that is constantly accessible to your rabbit. Choose the cage so that it provides protection at night, but is a retreat during the day. To find the right size for your rabbit, you should seek advice, because many criteria play a role here.

The feeding bowls

Choose food bowls that your rabbit cannot chew on. The small plastic pieces that result could be swallowed by your rabbit, causing gastrointestinal problems. Additionally, the bowls should be of a good weight. Rabbits like to romp around in their cage sometimes. The bowls should have a good grip.

The bedding

You should provide the cage with bedding for small animals. With a layer of hay, you can make the floor even softer and more comfortable for your rabbit. The bedding has the great advantage of absorbing liquids in large quantities and neutralizing odors. With the hay, your rabbit is not only provided with a soft surface. The little furry nose is encouraged to burrow and dig.

The watering trough

Rabbits are lively and like to romp around in the cage. In doing so, they pay no attention to bowls or anything else in their cage. To prevent your rabbit from constantly knocking over the water bowls, you can opt for a water trough. You can attach this to the outside of the cage with a small wire. The water stays where it should be and is not contaminated by flying litter or hay. It also gives you a good overview of the amount of water your rabbit drinks.

The toilet for your rabbit

You will quickly notice that your rabbit has a place for his daily business. Rabbits are very clean animals. That’s why they like to bury their droppings sometimes. With a rabbit litter tray you can support the cleanliness of your rabbit. Fill it with litter and change it daily. With small wood pellets you can also prevent an unpleasant odor.

The rabbit food

Hay is the main source of nutrition and should be provided in sufficient quantities. When eaten, it not only activates gastrointestinal activity, it also naturally rubs down your rabbit’s teeth. Fresh greens, vegetables and fruits should also be on your rabbit’s menu. With fruits and vegetables, you should always take a look in the cage. Spoiled vegetables and fruit should be removed as soon as possible.

The toys

You will notice that your rabbit is a lively little fellow who likes to play. Therefore, you should not forget the toys in the cage. However, when buying them, look for species-appropriate products made especially for rabbits. And, if you are creative, you can also build toys for your rabbit from natural ingredients. Your rabbit will surely be happy about branches and roots, which will enliven the daily life in the cage. Your rabbit will give you a lot of joy. In order to make your rabbit feel at home, the basic equipment is very important before moving in.
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